Thursday, July 28, 2005
I realized something profound today-- by Jay Man
I realized something profound today. I was talking to my kids about how they felt at this moment. Both my kids were able to tell me how they felt and why they felt the way they felt. One thing for certain, both my kids felt sadness, excitement and happiness simultaneously. And they were able to explain each of their feelings.
Both kids said, they were sad because of what happened earlier this morning (they were punished and they didn't like that). But both said they were excited and happy of what was going to happen in the coming days (we were going to see their cousin's new house and also, we were planning to go to vacation at the end of this month). Also they were able to choose which felling they liked to keep so they can enjoy the moment. Of course, they chose to be excited and happy. So our day was filled with excitement and happiness.
All of a sudden it just dawned on me; the realization of the moment is created or given to us either by the past or the future. We can either be a prisoner of the past where there is nothing we can do to change it. Or we can be free and happy on what we put on the space of the future. Where anything is possible. One thing for certain, we have a choice if we realize this distinction. However, it is important that we say what we want and put it in this space of the future which gives us the fuel for now at this moment.
I was glad my kids had something to look forward which gives them happiness and excitement at this moment. At the same time, I felt sadden by how many other kids out there have only the sadness of yesterday and nothing to look forward of tomorrow. Also, many grown-ups who do not know this are in the same situation.
The realization is to put something in this space of the future which gives us the fuel of the moment. Though, sometimes we do not know how we are going to accomplish what we put into the space of the future, it is vital we just put something in that space and commit our self without attachment of the result. If we choose not to put something in that space, we will remain a prisoner of what the past gives us at this moment.
Both kids said, they were sad because of what happened earlier this morning (they were punished and they didn't like that). But both said they were excited and happy of what was going to happen in the coming days (we were going to see their cousin's new house and also, we were planning to go to vacation at the end of this month). Also they were able to choose which felling they liked to keep so they can enjoy the moment. Of course, they chose to be excited and happy. So our day was filled with excitement and happiness.
All of a sudden it just dawned on me; the realization of the moment is created or given to us either by the past or the future. We can either be a prisoner of the past where there is nothing we can do to change it. Or we can be free and happy on what we put on the space of the future. Where anything is possible. One thing for certain, we have a choice if we realize this distinction. However, it is important that we say what we want and put it in this space of the future which gives us the fuel for now at this moment.
I was glad my kids had something to look forward which gives them happiness and excitement at this moment. At the same time, I felt sadden by how many other kids out there have only the sadness of yesterday and nothing to look forward of tomorrow. Also, many grown-ups who do not know this are in the same situation.
The realization is to put something in this space of the future which gives us the fuel of the moment. Though, sometimes we do not know how we are going to accomplish what we put into the space of the future, it is vital we just put something in that space and commit our self without attachment of the result. If we choose not to put something in that space, we will remain a prisoner of what the past gives us at this moment.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Life by the Spirit
So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
When you are faced with the IMPOSSIBLE
Refuse to allow to be controlled by the situation
Do not try to fight it with the flesh, you would loose. Be still and know God is with you.
Remind your self of what you believe and what you know
This is the time to rip what you sow. Know what’s in you is much stronger than what is against you.
Replace the fear of the seen with the faith of the unseen
Just step into a leap of faith and witness God’s work
Do not try to fight it with the flesh, you would loose. Be still and know God is with you.
Remind your self of what you believe and what you know
This is the time to rip what you sow. Know what’s in you is much stronger than what is against you.
Replace the fear of the seen with the faith of the unseen
Just step into a leap of faith and witness God’s work
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The Bible in a few words-- by Jay Man

God created us Male and female
God created us in his own image
Male and Female sinned against God
The wages of sin was Death for ever
We got separated from God
All human being became sinners
God taught us what sin is through the law
The law convicted us as a sinner
God created a way to cleans our sin through repentance and animal sacrifice
God revealed him self through the people of Israel
He sent us prophets to reveal his promise
He gave us more commandments
We kept sinning and disobeying God
God said he will send his Son to save us from Death
God talked about his Son and what he is going to fulfill
Through the Holly Spirit a Son is born (Jesus)
He was and is sinless
He died as a sacrifice to our sin
though sinless, He tasted death like a man would
God said, no more animal sacrifice,
Christ paid present, past and future sin
If you want to be part of God's kingdom, believe in his Son Jesus Christ
Which he died for our sin and risen in third day
we are saved by faith
We have gained internal life
though we die in body, we are renewed in spirit
Believe Christ is the Son of God, he died for your sin and you shall be saved.
Live your life according to his will
Creating Feelings

How we feel is a product of this moment's predictable almost certain future. Our feelings are created and shaped by what we put into the space of the future.
Example one - I am going to Hawaii tonight
It is Friday night and everyone at work is leaving to have a good time. You have to stay and finish up your work; however, you are going to Hawaii in three hours. How do you think you would feel? What would your energy level be like?
Example two - I am going to work late tonight
It is Friday night and everyone at work is leaving to have a good time. You have to stay late until midnight and finish up your work. How do you think you would feel at this moment? What would your energy level be like?
Who we are being at this moment is created by a predictable almost certain future of any situation we're in at this moment. We have an experiences or feeling of how a certain situation would go or unveil itself. Therefore, how we feel at this moment is determined by how we look at the future of this current situation. If you said you have found the right person in your life, your predictable almost certain future of this relationship would be a bliss. When you encounter a doubt of this person not being the one, then your predictable almost certain future of this relationship would be a doubtful one. Therefore, your current feelings would also reflect the outlook or future of this relationship.
Consider that you have the ability to create your feelings.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Suffering ends NOW. Collapsing facts and story create suffering
Friday, July 08, 2005
What is Love?
Love is patient
Love is kind
Love does not envy
Love does not boast
Love is not proud
Love is not rude
Love is not self-seeking
Love is not easily angered
Love keeps no record of wrongs
Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth
Love always protects
Always trusts
Always hope
Always perseveres
Love never fails
If we measure our life according to these attributes,
we will fulfill the Golden Rule of Christ
“Love your neighbors as your self”
Love is kind
Love does not envy
Love does not boast
Love is not proud
Love is not rude
Love is not self-seeking
Love is not easily angered
Love keeps no record of wrongs
Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth
Love always protects
Always trusts
Always hope
Always perseveres
Love never fails
If we measure our life according to these attributes,
we will fulfill the Golden Rule of Christ
“Love your neighbors as your self”
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Daily Practice (updated frequently)
Today we will practice
Changing your complaints into a request, and you will...
Enter the realm of action and experience harmony and flow of communication
Today we will practice
Not judging, evaluating, labeling, analyzing, and you will...
Enter the realm of silence and experience creativity
Today we will practice
Declaring what we want to do in life without knowing how we are going to accomplish it, and you will...
Enter the realm of faith and uncertainty and experience walking by faith
Today we will practice
Shifting from "What's in it for me" to "How can I help", and you will...
Enter the realm of abundance and experience joy
Today we will practice
Giving up all attachments of the result or outcome, and you will...
Enter the realm of possibility and experience freedom of fear of failure
Today we will practice
Accepting things just as they are, NOT as I wish they were, and you will...
Enter the realm of acceptance and experience balance, stillness, quietness and being
Today we will practice
Giving as a way of being patient, kind, gracious, humble, selfless and hopeful, and you will...
Enter the realm of love and experience joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control
Changing your complaints into a request, and you will...
Enter the realm of action and experience harmony and flow of communication
Today we will practice
Not judging, evaluating, labeling, analyzing, and you will...
Enter the realm of silence and experience creativity
Today we will practice
Declaring what we want to do in life without knowing how we are going to accomplish it, and you will...
Enter the realm of faith and uncertainty and experience walking by faith
Today we will practice
Shifting from "What's in it for me" to "How can I help", and you will...
Enter the realm of abundance and experience joy
Today we will practice
Giving up all attachments of the result or outcome, and you will...
Enter the realm of possibility and experience freedom of fear of failure
Today we will practice
Accepting things just as they are, NOT as I wish they were, and you will...
Enter the realm of acceptance and experience balance, stillness, quietness and being
Today we will practice
Giving as a way of being patient, kind, gracious, humble, selfless and hopeful, and you will...
Enter the realm of love and experience joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control