Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Insight (updated frequently)

Insight is defined as...
The capacity to discern the true nature of a situation;
The act or outcome of grasping the inward or hidden nature of things or of perceiving in an intuitive manner.


Without the separation of "Who I Am" from "What I Do," one might never be able to evaluate the effect that work has on oneself.


If you do not have fear, you will not have the need to control others.
If you have fear, you will have the need to control others.


Any thing you are willing to accept brings you freedom.


You will know you've learned a lesson when your action changes.


------------Difference between Choosing and Deciding----------
To choose is to select freely after consideration
To decide is to select based on consideration

When you choose, you have the power
When you decide, your reasons have the power


There is no reality independent of language.
Language is the medium of creation.


Question, What is missing in your life which if it was there will make a difference?
Answer, I don't have time. I need more time.
Question, You have 24 hours, are you asking for 25th hour?
Answer, Oh...Sorry, I now know, I don't need more time.


The highest level of integrity is... To honor your words as yourself.


Freedom comes from the willingness to accept or acknowledge the ugly side of myself.


Your limits are the limits of your imagination.


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